What hides behind closed doors, often operates deliberately and leaves a hole in the pockets of young workers?
You guessed it. It’s wage-theft.
More than half of young workers in the ACT experienced wage theft in the last 12 months. Together we can stop wage theft!
W ithholding superannuation. Almost 1 in 2 of us are underpaid in super. Even little bits of unpaid super adds up over time and it’s your money, not your boss’s.
A ward rates not being paid. Everyone is entitled to the minimum wage. Check our wage calculator to make sure you are getting paid right: www.wordpress-370095-1161018.cloudwaysapps.com
G etting workers together and not paying them for mandatory meetings or work-related trainings. Meetings are work, training is work. You must be paid for work!
E very weekend and public holiday, skimming more of your wages by not paying workers penalty rates. If you are casually employed and work on weekends or public holidays, you are entitled to penalty rates.
Telling workers not to record overtime, or not paying overtime when claimed. Telling workers to arrive early and start work before clocking on, or to finish work after clocking off. If the work has to be done, you have to be paid
H iding wage theft by not providing pay slips. You must be provided with a detailed pay slip within one day of being paid.
E ncouraging workers not to take mandatory meal or rest break times. Breaks are for your health and safety and sanity.
Food instead of, or as payment. A burger is not a wage!
T rial shifts that are unpaid and extend beyond their objective to assess whether your skills make you a good fit for the job. Trial shifts must not involve carrying out tasks unsupervised and must only be for long enough to demonstrate you can do the job.
By standing in solidarity with your co-workers you can join the fight to end wage theft!