Check Your Super Day!

In the Young Workers Centre’s most recent survey, 32% of young workers said they were unsure if they were receiving the correct superannuation.  

With wage-theft at epidemic proportions, many young workers are having their super stolen without without knowing. 

Insecurity, the gig economy and low-paid work mean that young workers don’t get enough super at the best of times. That’s why you should make sure that you’re getting what you’re owed by checking your super. 

We’re aiming to get 100 young workers in the ACT to check their super throughout our Week of Super. To help us reach our goal, check your super and let us know that once your done by filling out the form!

How to Check your Super:
Help us reach our goal of 100 young workers checking their super!

Guide to Superannuation

Need some more guidance on superannuation and how to check it? Have a look at our Young Workers Guide to Superannuation and make sure to get in touch if you have further questions. 

Once you're done, share with a friend and encourage them to check their super too!

This event is sponsored by Australian Super.

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