Summer Patrol is young workers organising young workers.
Summer Patrol is a Young Workers Centre outreach program planned and run by young union activists who want to make work fair for all young workers. As young workers, we know first hand that wage-theft, harassment and insecure work is happening and the effect it has on our lives.
We’re visiting workplaces this summer to talk with other young workers about their rights and how they can stand up to workplace exploitation. Summer Patrol is a way for young activists to reach out to other young workers to talk about their pay and conditions and the importance of being union, to build strong networks and practice organising skills along the way.
We’ll be hitting the streets to make sure other young workers know their rights and their correct wage rate, and to help them start organising with their workmates to improve their workplace. Summer Patrol is a great way to reach young workers who may not have ever considered joining their union before. It’s one important way we’re building power to make work better for all young workers.
How does it work?
Curious? Want to give it a go? You don’t need to have experience organising or having union conversations. Our training program will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need. And you’ll be mentored by an experienced activist or union organiser.
Summer Patrol is open to all levels of experience and is a great opportunity for young activists to gain and practice organising skills. The program runs over 2 days. Each day includes briefing, training (and lots of practice), visiting workplaces and a social drink and debrief afterwards.
Training covers vital organising skills to help you feel prepared to talk to other young workers about their experience of work and their rights. Then we’ll head out in teams and you’ll be paired up to visit each workplace. It’s a relaxed, informal way to connect with other young workers while building crucial awareness about rights at work.
“Summer Patrol is a powerful platform that allows young workers to stand together in the face of bad bosses! The patrol gave me a voice to discuss workplace issues and rights with fellow young workers, and knowledge about where to turn if your workplace is dodgy!”
Adelaide, Summer Patrol 2019.

Want to be part of the next Summer Patrol or find out more? Email us at